
By Jochen Voss, last updated 2014-10-12

Moon-buggy is a simple character graphics game where you drive some kind of car across the moon's surface. Unfortunately there are dangerous craters there. Fortunately your car can jump over them!

The game has some resemblance of the classic arcade game moon-patrol which was released in 1982. A clone of this game was relased for the Commodore C64 in 1983. The present, ASCII art version of moon-buggy was written many years later by Jochen Voss.

Screen Shots

The moon-buggy title screen

  Moon-Buggy version 1.0, Copyright 2004 Jochen Voss <>
  Moon-Buggy comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type 'w'.
  This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
  under certain conditions; type 'c' for details.

               MM     MM   OOOOO    OOOOO   NN     N
               M M   M M  O     O  O     O  N N    N
               M  M M  M  O     O  O     O  N  N   N
               M   M   M  O     O  O     O  N   N  N
               M       M  O     O  O     O  N    N N
               M       M   OOOOO    OOOOO   N     NN

                     BBBBBB   U     U   GGGGG    GGGGG   Y     Y
                     B     B  U     U  G     G  G     G   Y   Y
                     BBBBBB   U     U  G        G          Y Y
                     B     B  U     U  G   GGG  G   GGG     Y
                     B     B  U     U  G     G  G     G    Y
                     BBBBBB    UUUUU    GGGGG    GGGGG   YY

y,RET:start game  q:quit c:show copyright w:show warranty s:show scores r:redraw

The moon-buggy high score table

You can still see the ruins of a crashed moon-buggy at the lower right.

     rank   score lvl     date  expires  name

       1     1000 1    2003-04-11  --   Thorin
       2      990 1    2003-04-11  --   Kili
       3      980 1    2003-04-11  --   Gloin
      68      330 1    2004-11-01  13d  Gloin
      69      320 1    2004-11-01  11d  Gloin
      70      310 1    2004-11-01  10d  Bofur
      71      309 2    2004-12-27  64d  Jochen Voss
      72      300 1    2004-11-01   6d  Bombur
      73      290 1    2004-11-01   4d  Bifur

		 your score: 309
		 your rank: 71

#########  #############    ############   ############   ############ o########
y,RET:new game  q,n:quit  UP:up DOWN:down b:pg up NEXT:pg down s:reload r:redraw
				    level: 2    lives: 0     score: 309


The following versions of the program are available:

moon-buggy version 1.0.51, 2006-03-19 (experimental version)
moon-buggy version 1.0, 2004-12-27 (stable version)
moon-buggy version 0.5.1, 2000-05-07 (old stable version)

There is also an experimental, esound-based moon-buggy sound add-on:

moon-buggy-sound version 1.0.51, 2006-03-19
moon-buggy-sound version 1.0, 2004-12-27

The source code is also available on

If you like my little game, you might consider buying me a present ;-)

Related links

Copyright © 2014 Jochen Voss. All content on this website (including text, pictures, and any other original works), unless otherwise noted, is licensed under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license.