- A Map of the Internet
Which IP addresses does my email come from?
- Blog: About the "Gem Forge" in Infinity Blade 2
Exploring the "Gem Forge" in Infinity Blade 2.
- Blog: Cereal grains
A summary of the differences between Wheat, Barley, Oat, and Rye.
- Blog: CO2 emissions for different modes of transportation (updated)
A short summary of the CO2 emission for cars, trains, planes etc.
- Blog: Frontier Research
Some targetted spam I received.
- Blog: LaTeX: calling a macro for every line of input
How to call a LaTeX macro for every line in an environment?
- Blog: My first book!!!
I have submitted my first book to the publisher: An Introduction to Statistical Computing.
- Blog: Neat trick!
The 'texdoc' command can be used to show the documentation of LaTeX poackages.
- Blog: New paper
An article about the effect of FE discretisation on the stationary distribution of an SPDE.
- Blog: New paper
the paper 'MAP Estimators and Posterior Consistency in Bayesian Nonparametric Inverse Problems' has been submitted
- Blog: New software package: a simple tracing framework for Go
Announcement: - a simple tracing framework for Go.
- Blog: Strange random number generator
The default random number generator of Go seems to be of unclear provenance.
- Blog: The book is out!!!
An Introduction to Statistical Computing: A Simulation-based Approach.
- Blog: The Fortuna Random Number Generator
A new implementation of the Fortuna Random Number Generator in Go.
- CSimGen
Homepage of the CSimGen code generator
- How to Choose Your Country?
A tabular comparison of some of the indicators affecting a country's quality of living.
- Jochen's Blog
A diary, showing to some extent what I've been up to.
- Jochen's Sliding Picture Puzzle
A delightful game of pickled geckos, dazzling staircases, colourful flowers, hatted horsemen, blinding rides, strange patterns and sliding tiles, painstakingly arranged for your personal entertainment by Jochen Voss.
- Per-option quorum
Analysis of per option quorum conditions for the Debian voting system.
- PGP Schlüssel
Öffentliche GnuPG/PGP Schlüssel von Jochen Voß
- Photos
Main page of my online photo album.
- Quorum in the Debian Voting System
The use of quorum requirements in the Debian Voting System
- Sarge Release Schedule in view of GR 2004-003
Illustration of the Debian voting system using the result of the General Resolution 2004-004.
- Some Random Remarks
Private homepage of Jochen Voss, including publications, computer programs, some photos and a blog.
- The Debian Voting System
Description and Implementation of the Debian Voting System
- What Happened Until Now?
A short description of what happened until now.
- Übersicht über die gängigen Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilungen
Definition, Erwartungswert, Varianz und Momentenerzeugende Funktion für verschiedene Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilungen.
- Publication: A Fast Numerical Algorithm for the Estimation of Diffusion-Model Parameters
A new algorithmic approach for parameter estimation in Ratcliff's diffusion model.
- Publication: Analysis of SPDEs arising in Path Sampling, Part I: The Gaussian Case
An article about using (linear) SPDEs in infinite dimensional MCMC methods.
- Publication: Analysis of SPDEs Arising in Path Sampling, Part II: The Nonlinear Case
An article about using (non-linear) SPDEs in infinite dimensional MCMC algorithms.
- Publication: Approximations to the Stochastic Burgers Equation
A study of various finite difference approximations to the stochastic Burgers equation.
- Publication: Conditional Path Sampling of SDEs and the Langevin MCMC Method
An SPDE-based approach to sampling paths of SDEs, conditional on observations.
- Publication: Data Assimilation: Mathematical and Statistical Perspectives
A concise mathematical overview of the subject of data assimilation, highlighting statistical aspects.
- Publication: Fast-Dm: a Free Programm for Efficient Diffusion Model Analysis
Fast-DM, a flexible and fast computer program, allows estimating all parameters of Ratcliff's diffusion model.
- Publication: Interpreting the Parameters of the Diffusion Model: An Empirical Validation
Two experiments to validate Rattcliff's diffusion model.
- Publication: Large Deviations for One Dimensional Diffusions with a Strong Drift
A large deviation principle to describe the behaviour of a diffusion with additive noise under the influence of a strong drift.
- Publication: Matrix Analysis and Algorithms
Numerical Linear Algebra lecture notes by Andrew Stuart and Jochen Voss.
- Publication: MCMC Methods for Diffusion Bridges
A Langevin MCMC approach for sampling nonlinear diffusion bridges.
- Publication: Sampling Conditioned Diffusions
Review article, describing an SPDE-based technique to sample conditioned diffusions.
- Publication: Sampling Conditioned Hypoelliptic Diffusions
Construction of fourth-order SPDEs which are invariant with respect to the distribution of hypoelliptic diffusion processes, subject to a bridge conditioning.
- Publication: Sampling The Posterior: An Approach to Non-Gaussian Data Assimilation
A Bayesian approach to data assimilation.
- Publication: Separating Response-Execution Bias from Decision Bias: Arguments for an Additional Parameter in Ratcliff's Diffusion Model
Two simulation studies in support of including a new parameter in Ratcliff's diffusion model.
- Publication: Signal Processing Problems on Function Space: Bayesian Formulation, Stochastic PDEs and Effective MCMC Methods
Review of a Bayesian approach to a wide range of signal processing problems.
- Publication: Some Fundamental Properties of a Multivariate von Mises Distribution
Multivariate von Mises distributions can be used to describe components in mixture models for angular data. Here, we derive sufficient criteria for von Mises distributions to be unimodal.
- Publication: Some Large Deviation Results for Diffusion Processes
PhD thesis of Jochen Voss about large deviation results for diffusion processes.
- Publication: The Effect of Finite Element Discretisation on the Stationary Distribution of SPDEs
How does finite element discretisation affect the stationary distribution of an SPDE?
- Publication: Upper and Lower Bounds in Exponential Tauberian Theorems
How does the behaviour of a probability distribution near zero relate to its Laplace transform near infinity?
- Publication: Über die Asymptotik des Bayesrisikos bei Diffusionsprozessen
Diplomarbeit von Jochen Voß.
- Publication: Übungsaufgaben zur Analysis
Mehr als 100 Übungsaufgaben zur Analysis.
Copyright © 2017 Jochen Voss.
All content on this website (including text, pictures, and any other original works), unless otherwise noted, is licensed under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license.